A great checklist can help you stay on point and should be easy to use even in the most difficult situations.
Below are some category ideas: Feel free to make up and add your own.
Do use this checklist as a weekly action reminder.
Do pick tasks that are doable given your current lifestyle.
Don’t be a super-hero or an over-promiser. You want to feel a bit of push but not a rough shove.
- PROJECT A (Break your current project into 10 simple steps, actions, or benchmarks.)
- READ/RESEARCH (Spend a certain amount of time each week reading or researching. Arrange to read different things.)
- COMPLETE SOMETHING (Resolve a business problem or an unfinished personal task each week.)
- MASTERY (Learn something new each week about how to do your project/work better.)
- EXPERIMENT/TAKE RISKS (Do something radical or experimental each week.)
- NETWORKING/COMMUNITY BUILDING (Introduce yourself to one important person each week.)
- DON’TS (Identify what you really want to stop doing — things like surfing the net, eating too much sugar, overspending, complaining and making excuses.)
- EXTREME SELF CARE (Do something important each week to take much better care of yourself.)
- CREATIVITY(Feed the muse. Make something each week. Get your creative juices flowing. )
- TOLERATIONS (What is slowing you down? Name and eliminate one source of dissatisfaction a week.)
- IMPROVE COMMUNICATION (Gather good information and give good information. Take one action a week to improve what and how you share .)
- SELF MARKETING (Market your talents each week in a new and interesting way.)
- INITIATE (Wait for and follow no one.)
- EXERCISE (Get physical, exercise in an area that makes you stronger in everyway.)
- EXPAND YOUR BEST EFFORTS (Be strategic, raise the bar, select a better goal, find a shortcut, or a time saving tool.)
- SPIRITUAL BLISS (Honor your inklings and take the path of least resistance at least once a week.)
- FULFILLMENT(Make the most of what you already have and hang out with people who are fulfilled or well on their path.)
- MAGIC (When you want something you get it easily. Affirm daily: Life is beautiful. Life is breezy.
- POSITIVES (From just getting by to having a healthy reserve of time, love, money, and space.
- APPRECIATION(Dole it out by the truck loads.)
** Optional (Make a grid. Print out copies and use it as a visual display.)
BOOM, now you’re takin’ over.